I lost my mother very suddenly when she was only 72 - none of us were prepared for it and the shock and loss completely took the wind out of my sails. At the time I was working in the City. I initially took two weeks off to go home and deal with family matters and be there for my dad. My partner (tennis player Pat Cash) was travelling the world on the tennis circuit and it sounded incredible. So I reflected on my life. I’d worked in finance for 20 years - was that going to be my life until I retired? I had savings and a small mortgage. I wanted to be free, I was hungry for independence, to plan my own schedule, make my own decision and to own the end to end process. Ultimately I realised that I wanted to have my own business and that life can be short so we’re best to make the most of it.
Initially I asked for a three month sabbatical and I went travelling in an RV around America. That trip confirmed I needed to leave the City. After completing my 500hr yoga teacher training, I enrolled in the Formula Botanica course to learn how to formulate skincare. I also started an online MBA to learn the skills I needed to run my own business. I fully immersed myself in all the skincare exhibitions aiming to meet as many aesthetic professionals and manufacturers as I could. I had to start from scratch to build a new non financial services network.
Correct. 30% of our customers are men. The very handsome Elliot Reeder is a fan of our products. As is Pat Cash (of course! )In addition to looking after their skin, men also have purchased our micro needling rollers for hair growth. It helps solve the ‘patchy’ beard problem. A number of our female customers also tell me how much their husbands and partners love the Cryo Sticks! They’re so soothing first thing in the morning, after a late night or before a zoom call.
4. What are the secrets to great skin?
5. What brings you joy?
Seeing OLIVIEREWILSON evolve. It has grown so much in such a short period of time. Seeing customers, influencers and journalists using our products and the results they are seeing. I love figuring out solutions to complex problems and this is the approach I take through my business. Spending time with my family, close group of friends and of course Pat. My sister and I are early stages renovating in Oxfordshire which is very exciting. We want to create a space for feel good retreats: yoga, skincare serious, cooking classes or wine tasting events. I also play the piano which I find very therapeutic. My 5 nephews are amazing and teaching them new things. And practising Yoga - it’s very good for the soul.
6. What are your go to wines?
I love Pinot Noir, Malbec and a good Sancerre.