This week we are incredibly excited to welcome the exceptionally talented Ols Halas as our guest on Marlo Meets. Ols is the head chef at Circus Sauce, a seriously sought-after travelling supper club that tours alongside the much adored Giffords Circus.

In 2020, Ols co-authored the Giffords Circus Cookbook with Nell Gifford and won the General Cookbook Award from the Guild of Food Writers in 2021. We talk to Ols about how it all started and what his favourite sauce is. 

1. What inspired you to run away and join the circus?

Im quite fond of the Eton Mess from the book. its one of the fist recipes we did long ago when I first joined and fits in with the circus so well. Its simple but outrageous. We serve in huge mounds for each table to dig into.

4. Where is your favourite place to pitch a tent?

5. What was your childhood dream?

6. If you could invite anyone, past or present, into your vaudevillian tent for supper who would it be?

7. What’s your favourite condiment?

8. Who is your musical hero?

9. What are you most looking forward to about the tour ahead?


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